IIJ Prison Management Initiative: Second Online Expert Meeting on Risk Assessment of Violent Extremist and Terrorist Offenders

30 June - 8 July 2021

In June 2021, with funding from the Government of France, the IIJ delivered the second in a series of two expert meetings on Risk Assessment of Violent Extremist and Terrorist Offenders. The main objective of this project is to develop a specialised counter-terrorism capacity building and train-the-trainer programme on Risk Assessment of Violent Extremist and Terrorist Offenders. The programme – focusing on capacity-building for prison officials – will focus on how risk and needs assessment can be instrumental in managing a prison’s population of violent extremist and terrorist offenders, in their classification and categorisation, in understanding the risks they may pose towards prison staff, in assessing and evaluating individual inmates, and as part of tailored rehabilitation and reintegration programmes. Focusing on the good practices in the area of risk assessment, the programme will address the various risk assessment tools available and how to develop, adapt and implement such tools. The programme will also aim to foster sustainability by providing practitioners with the skills to train their colleagues on these topics.

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The second expert meeting brought together 21 practitioners and subject matter experts from Europe, East and West Africa, MENA, the United States, the Balkans, and a number of international organisations to share information regarding appropriate risk assessment tools currently available and identify potential subjects and content for the capacity-building curriculum and the train-the-trainer module.

The IIJ moderated a series of very-well received presentations by subject matter experts, with participants actively commenting and/or sharing personal experiences. Participants followed up after the meeting, eagerly enquiring about potential next steps in this project, as well as the possibility of the IIJ organising similar meetings on this and other related topics.

Following this meeting, and as per the scope of work for this grant, a training curriculum will be drafted for the capacity-building phase of this exciting project.

For more information on this meeting, please contact Junior Programme Manager Gabriel Monterrosa.

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