IIJ eCTAC: First Arabic-language Course for Practitioners from the Middle East and North Africa

1 September - 1 October 2021

In September, with support from the Government of the United States, the IIJ delivered a new course under the online Counter-Terrorism Academic Curriculum (eCTAC) to 15 Arabic-speaking criminal justice practitioners from North Africa and the Middle East.

This sixth eCTAC course included two weeks of online learning guided by the Academic Unit’s online learning management platform as well as two subsequent weeks of live sessions. These live sessions included six small-group, interactive tutorial sessions on ‘Effective Coordination Between Investigators and Prosecutors’, ‘Collection of Evidence for Successful Prosecutions’, and ‘Cross-Border Investigations’. The course was delivered with the support of three Arabic-speaking experts on counter-terrorism investigations and prosecutions.

Practitioners actively engaged with the course materials and the live sessions and remarked how the eCTAC course was both rigorous and relevant to their work. For many, this was the first such course to be offered to them in their native language. Ms. Hanane Gaddas, First Assistant to the Attorney General in the Counterterrorism Judicial Division of Tunisia, remarked that “[The eCTAC was] a very unique and rich training.” She continued, pledging to incorporate what she learned in her work. “I will use MLAR’s more often and I am going to take advantage of the models and templates that the Institute has put in our hands and which we already used during the table top exercise. [...] Thank you to all for this tremendous effort and I very much look forward to continuing training with [the IIJ], which I consider myself now one of its students.”

For more information on the eCTAC, please contact Programme Manager Dallin Van Leuven.

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