IIJ eCTAC: Southeast Asia Practitioners Edition

23 February - 24 March 2022

From late February through March 2022, with support from the Government of Australia, the IIJ delivered a new course under the online Counter-Terrorism Academic Curriculum (eCTAC) to 28 English-speaking criminal justice practitioners from Southeast Asia.

This eighth eCTAC course – the fourth to be delivered in English and the first to be delivered for Southeast Asia – included a full month of online learning guided by the Academic Unit’s online learning management platform, with eight live sessions spaced throughout the course. These live sessions included small-group, interactive tutorial sessions on topics such as ‘Effective Coordination Between Investigators and Prosecutors’, ‘Collection of Evidence for Successful Prosecutions’, and ‘Cross-Border Investigations’. The course was delivered with the support of an investigations expert on counter-terrorism investigations.

Practitioners actively engaged in the live sessions and worked effectively through the course materials. This impressive group of frontline practitioners from Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand reported their appreciation for the rigour of the course. They particularly highlighted how the course was helpful in promoting intelligence-led investigations as well as improved mutual legal assistance.

For more information on the eCTAC, please contact Programme Manager Dallin Van Leuven.

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