Our Mission
The IIJ pursues its mission by designing and delivering tailored capacity-building programmes and activities that help governments and practitioners address – in a practical, effective and collaborative manner – the evolving and multifaceted nature of contemporary terrorism and related transnational crime.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to enhance and strengthen the competencies of criminal justice practitioners and other stakeholders to address terrorism and related transnational criminal activities within a rule of law framework, and to promote cooperation and information exchange on a national, regional and international basis.
Our Vision
Our Vision is for the IIJ to consolidate and build on its unique role as an internationally-recognised hub focused on building the capacity of justice practitioners to fight terrorism, transnational crime in line with human rights and the rule of law.
We will do this by continuing to design and deliver tailored high-quality capacity-building programmes as well as activities that help governments and practitioners address – in a practical, effective and collaborative manner – the evolving nature of contemporary transnational threats. We will maintain our core geographic focus on North, West and East Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia, while continuing to work with other regions where needed.
Our continued growth will include developing, implementing and operationalising international good practices and developing new strategies and techniques to fully address the contemporary manifestations and evolving nature of terrorism worldwide.
Where We Work
The IIJ delivers capacity-building tailored to the needs and contexts of the countries and regions it serves. Our primary geographic focus is on countries in North, West and East Africa, and the Middle East. In coordination with donors and beneficiary countries, the Institute also designs and delivers training for practitioners in Cental, South and Southeast Asia, the Balkans, and other countries regions.
Our History
At the June 2012 Ministerial Plenary Meeting of the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF), members called for the establishment of
the International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (IIJ) as a key platform to deliver innovative and sustainable training to
implement the counter-terrorism-related, rule of law-based GCTF good practices. The Group of 8 (G8) welcomed the proposed establishment
of the IIJ at its June 2013 Summit. A range of governments and international, regional and non-governmental organisations then collaborated
to develop the IIJ’s mandate and structure. The IIJ was formally inaugurated in June 2014.
June 2012
Ministerial Meeting of the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF)
GCTF ministers and senior officials announced strong support for the establishment of the IIJ as a key platform to deliver innovative and sustainable training to implement the counter-terrorism-related, rule of law-based good practices being developed by the GCTF and other international and regional fora.
June 2013
G8 Summit
G8 Leaders welcome the establishment of the IIJ in their statement at the June 2013 G8 Summit. A range of governments and international, regional and non-governmental organisations collaborated on developing the IIJ’s mandate, mission, structure, legal foundation and curriculum.
June 2014
Official Inauguration
The IIJ was formally inaugurated on 18 June 2014, at a ceremony in Valletta, Malta, and held its first programme on terrorist networks the following day.
January 2019
The IIJ & University of Malta sign MoU
The IIJ and the University of Malta secured a future 15-year lease
for the IIJ’s headquarters at the University’s Valletta campus.
June 2019
New Advisory Board
The inaugural meeting of a new Advisory Board was held, with a view
to providing non-binding strategic advice to the Executive Secretariat.
November 2019
Kuwait joins the GBA
The Government of Kuwait joined the Governing Board of Administrators.
March 2020
New Academic Unit
The IIJ launched a new operational unit to design and deliver longer-form foundational capacity-building courses for criminal justice practitioners.
September 2020
The IIJ & UNOCT sign MoU
The IIJ signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the
United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT).
December 2020
The IIJ & GCERF sign MoU
The IIJ signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the
Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF).