IIJ Multi-Actor P/CVE Interventions Workstream: UN Side Event – Operationalising a “Do No Harm” Approach to P/CVE

29 June 2021

In June 2021, in the margins of the Second United Nations (UN) Counter-Terrorism Week, the IIJ held an online side event with support from the European Union to launch a first-of-its-kind training curriculum to support the design and implementation of multi-actor intervention programmes for preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE). If you missed the event, you can watch it here. The IIJ Training Curriculum will be published on the IIJ website and social media channels in late September.

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The innovative curriculum equips decision-makers and practitioners with the necessary knowledge and skills to set up multi-actor P/CVE intervention programmes. The curriculum draws on recommendations, guidance and good practices developed by the United Nations, GCTF, OSCE, and other multilateral bodies, and was further informed by two sets of expert consultations and pilot training workshops in Kenya and North Macedonia.

The side event was attended by 100 front-line practitioners and representatives of UN and GCTF Member States, international organisations and civil society. During this important event, Ms. Rehema Zaid, a civil society representative from Kenya, highlighted some of the challenges that have traditionally hindered P/CVE activities in her community, including inaccurate diagnosis of the drivers of violent extremism and a lack of ownership, participation and sustainability, and how this innovative curriculum could support practitioners in addressing these challenges. Ms. Katrina Gillman, a Programme Manager at the Danish Centre for Prevention of Extremism, and Mr. Borche Petrevski, the North Macedonia National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Countering Violent Extremism, shared their respective country models, both of which emphasis the importance of multi-actor coordination and collaboration – central themes of the IIJ training curriculum.

For more information, please contact Programme Manager Adrián Carbajo.

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