Past Events
6 - 7 February 2023
IIJ Investigations Initiative: Counter-Terrorism Strategy Development and Multi-Agency
Investigation Capacity-Building in Malawi – Evaluation Workshop
The International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (IIJ) was pleased to organise this workshop in collaboration with the British High Commission (BHC). It aimed to support the implementation of the recommendations issued in...
1 - 3 February 2023
Malawi Enhancing the Investigation of Sexual Violence linked to Terrorism Workshop
Ever wonder what are the challenges investigators are faced with when trying to retrieve evidence related to sexual violence cases? Or why most of these cases fail to achieve any result because of the absence of...
24 - 25 January 2023
IIJ Counter-Terrorist Financing: Workshop on Safeguarding the non-profit sector from misuse for terrorist financing in the MENA region
In January 2023, the IIJ convened its first workshop on safeguarding the non-profit sector from misuse for terrorist financing in the Middle East. The event was organized with the generous financial support of the State of...
Global Central Authorities
5 - 8 December 2022
IIJ’s Global Central Authorities Initiative: Building Strong Procedural Mechanisms for Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA)
In December 2022, the IIJ launched a new Canada-funded project to strengthen mutual legal assistance in Kenya and Somalia by organizing a National Workshop for Kenyan Stakeholders in Nairobi. This event, the first of five envisioned...
1 - 11 November 2022
IIJ CTAC: Second CTAC Course for Francophone North and West African Practitioners
In November 2022, the IIJ Academic Unit brought together 21 French-speaking criminal justice practitioners from West and North Africa for its second Francophone and fourth in-person Counter-Terrorism Academic Curriculum course (CTAC). This immersive, foundational course –...
27 October 2022
IIJ REMVE Initiative: Roundtable on Addressing Vulnerabilities to REMVE / Radicalisation
In October 2022, the IIJ convened a Criminal Justice Practitioner’s Roundtable on Addressing Vulnerabilities to Radicalization or Recruitment to Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremism (REMVE) / Extreme Right-Wing Terrorism (ERWT). This roundtable, delivered with support...
Judicial Capacity-Building
11 - 13 October 2022
IIJ Judicial Capacity Building-Initiative: Regional Workshop on Reducing Pre-trial Detention in a Rule-of-Law Context
In October 2022, the IIJ convened its first regional workshop on reducing excessive pre-trial detention in West Africa. The workshop — convened with support from the Government of Germany — brought together 45 practitioners from Benin,...
27 - 29 September 2022
IIJ Addressing the Impunity of Sexual Violence in the Context of Terrorism Workstream: Regional Workshop on Enhancing the Investigation of Terrorism-Related Sexual Violence Crimes
In September, the IIJ and the Ministry of Gender and Family in Burkina Faso, organized a regional workshop in Benin on the investigation of terrorism-related sexual violence crimes. This three-day workshop brought together 40 criminal justice...
20 September 2022
Using the Full Range of Criminal Justice Tools to Counter Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremism (REMVE): UNGA 77 Side Event
In September 2022, the IIJ, together with the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) “REMVE” Toolkit Initiative Leads, the United States and Norway, held a side event on Using the Full Range of Criminal Justice Tools to Counter...
Counter Terrorism Financing
13 - 15 September 2022
IIJ Counter-Terrorism Financing: Mitigating Terrorist Financing Risks of Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs) in West Africa
In September 2022, the IIJ returned to Abidjan for the second workshop on Mitigating Risks Associated with Abuse of Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs) for Terrorist Financing Purposes in West Africa, a follow-up to its...
12 - 22 September 2022
IIJ CTAC: First CTAC Course for Practitioners from South and Southeast Asian
In September 2022, the IIJ Academic Unit convened its first English-language course for criminal justice practitioners from South and Southeast Asia. Based on the Academic Unit’s flagship Counter-Terrorism Academic Curriculum (CTAC) and funded by the Government...
Battlefield Evidence
8 - 9 September 2022
IIJ Battlefield Evidence Workstream: Meeting on Battlefield Evidence from Afghanistan and Beyond
In September 2022, the IIJ welcomed 45 practitioners and policymakers from the United States and European Government agencies, EU institutions and select multilateral institutions for a meeting on Battlefield Evidence from Afghanistan and Beyond, held with...
31 August 2022
IIJ Alumni: Virtual Launch of the IIJ Alumni Portal
In August 2022, the IIJ hosted its first online Alumni event to officially launch the IIJ Alumni Portal. The portal will further facilitate and support peer-to-peer exchange through a dedicated and secure gateway, access to unique...
26 - 28 July 2022
IIJ Addressing Homegrown Terrorism Initiative: Enhancing National-Local Coordination on Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Radicalization and Terrorist Attacks
In July 2022, the IIJ in partnership with Strong Cities Network (SCN) implemented a regional workshop in Surabaya Indonesia, on ‘Enhancing Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Radicalization and Terrorist Attacks in Southeast Asia’. The workshop —...
Judicial Capacity-Building
19 - 21 July 2022
IIJ Judicial Capacity-Building Initiative: Joint IIJ & UNODC Workshop on Accelerating Case Review and Reducing Pre-Trial Detention for Terrorist Offences through Remote Access Technology in Niger
In July 2022, the IIJ and the United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC) convened a workshop in Niamey to assess the feasibility and interest of Nigerien practitioners to introduce videoconferencing technology into preliminary proceedings,...
Juvenile Justice
19 - 21 July 2022
IIJ Juvenile Justice Initiative: Joint OPDAT–IIJ Workshop on Justice for Children in Terrorism Cases in Burkina Faso
In July 2022, the IIJ in partnership with The U.S. Department of Justice/OPDAT in Burkina Faso organized a workshop for 29 Burkinabè practitioners including investigators, judges, defence counsel, prison officials, social workers, civil society, and representatives...
27 June - 7 July 2022
IIJ CTAC: Pilot Anglophone Course for African Practitioners
In late June and early July 2022, the IIJ Academic Unit convened its pilot Anglophone course based on the innovative Counter-Terrorism Academic Curriculum (CTAC). Funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Denmark...
Judicial Capacity-Building
27 June - 7 July 2022
IIJ Judicial Capacity-Building Initiative: ICCT & IIJ Workshop for MENA Region on the Criminal Justice Approaches to the Interlinkages between Terrorism and Core International Crimes, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Crimes, Human Trafficking, Migrant Smuggling, Slavery and Crimes Against Children
On 27 and 30 June, 4 and 7 July 2022, the IIJ, in collaboration with the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT) convened a four-day online workshop on ‘Criminal Justice Approaches to the Linkages between Terrorism and...
Global Central Authorities
16 June 2022
IIJ Global Central Authorities Initiative: Great Lakes Regional Ministerial Conference on Enhancing Judicial Cooperation
In June 2022, the IIJ in partnership with the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) and the Office of the Special Envoy for the Great Lakes (OSESG-GL) convened the Great Lakes Regional Ministerial Conference...
Judicial Capacity-Building
10 - 19 May 2022
IIJ Judicial Capacity-Building Initiative: ICCT & IIJ Workshop for Francophone African Countries on the Criminal Justice Approaches to the Interlinkages between Terrorism and Core International Crimes, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Crimes, Human Trafficking, Migrant Smuggling, Slavery and Crimes Against Children
In May 2022, the IIJ, in collaboration with the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT) convened a four-day online workshop on ‘Criminal Justice Approaches to the Linkages between Terrorism and Core International Crimes’. The workshop, generously supported...