Events Calendar
Past Events
Global Central Authorities
16 - 17 February 2022
IIJ Global Central Authorities Initiative: National Workshop for Validating Senegal’s Law on International Judicial Cooperation
In February 2022, the IIJ organised a second workshop to support Senegal’s Ministry of Justice with the finalisation of a draft Law on International Judicial Cooperation. If adopted, the new law, which creates a legal framework...
Juvenile Justice
8 - 9 February 2022
IIJ Juvenile Justice Initiative: Public Launch of the IIJ Juvenile Justice Notes for Practitioners
In February 2022, the IIJ launched the IIJ Juvenile Justice Notes for Practitioners with support from the Governments of the United States. These Notes, will guide prosecutors, judges, investigators, defence counsel and detention officials in the management and...
3 February 2022
IIJ REMVE Initiative: REMVE Trends Dialogue
In February 2022, the IIJ hosted a REMVE (Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremism) Trends Dialogue, the first in-person programme in Malta since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, with 19 practitioners and experts gathered in person at IIJ...
Global Central Authorities
20 - 21 December 2021
IIJ Global Central Authorities Initiative: National Workshop on Developing a Comprehensive Legal Framework for International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters in Senegal
In December 2021, the IIJ joined 16 judges, prosecutors and legal drafting experts from Senegal’s Ministry of Justice to comment on and revise Senegal’s new draft Law on International Judicial Cooperation. The new law, which creates...
Juvenile Justice
7 - 8 December 2021
IIJ Juvenile Justice Initiative: Second Niger Workshop on Justice for Children in Terrorism Cases
In December 2021, the IIJ convened its second national-level workshop for Niger, at their request, under the auspices of the IIJ Juvenile Justice Initiative. The Second Niger Workshop on Justice for Children in Terrorism Cases was...
GBA Meeting
8 - 9 November 2021
IIJ Governing Board of Administrators Annual Meeting
27 October - 26 November 2021
IIJ eCTAC: Third Anglophone African Practitioners Edition
From late October through November 2021, with support from the Governments of France and the United States, the IIJ Academic Unit delivered a new course under the online Counter-Terrorism Academic Curriculum (eCTAC) to 20 English-speaking criminal...
26 - 28 October 2021
IIJ Counter-Terrorism Financing: Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs)
In October, the IIJ convened its first regional workshop on Counter-Terrorism Financing: Designated Non-Financial Business and Professions (DNFBPs) and Counter-Terrorism Financing in West Africa. The workshop was convened in partnership with INTERPOL and with generous funding...
GCTF Event
7 October 2021
GCTF Eleventh Ministerial Plenary Meeting
GCTF Event
6 October 2021
GCTF Nineteenth Coordinating Committee Meeting
Judicial Capacity-Building
1 - 14 October 2021
IIJ Judicial Capacity-Building Initiative: GCTF Glion Recommendations on Use of Admin Measures – South & Southeast Asia Workshop
The IIJ and the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague (ICCT), collaborated to deliver the IIJ – ICCT Online Workshop on Applying Administrative Measures within a Counter-Terrorism Context and Rule of Law Framework. This fourth iteration,...
Battlefield Evidence
29 September 2021
Battlefield Evidence and Criminal Justice Approaches to Counter-Terrorism: Online UNGA76 Side Event
In September, in the margins of the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly, the IIJ held a highly successful online side event on Battlefield Evidence and Criminal Justice Approaches to Counter-Terrorism. The event, co-hosted with...
23 September 2021
Countering the Transnational Threat of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremism (REMVE): UNGA 76 Side Event
In the margins of the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly, the IIJ held an online side event on Countering the Transnational Threat of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremism (REMVE) – a challenge the...
1 September - 1 October 2021
IIJ eCTAC: First Arabic-language Course for Practitioners from the Middle East and North Africa
In September, with support from the Government of the United States, the IIJ delivered a new course under the online Counter-Terrorism Academic Curriculum (eCTAC) to 15 Arabic-speaking criminal justice practitioners from North Africa and the Middle...
Juvenile Justice
27 - 29 July 2021
IIJ Juvenile Justice Initiative: First National Niger Online Workshop on Justice for Children in Terrorism Cases
In July 2021, the IIJ convened its first national-level workshop for Niger, at their request, under the auspices of the IIJ Juvenile Justice Initiative. This tailored capacity-building workshop delivered online due to continuing COVID-19 restrictions, brought...
13 - 14 July 2021
IIJ REMVE Practitioner’s Guide Launch
In July 2021, we launched the much anticipated IIJ Criminal Justice Practitioner’s Guide for Addressing Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremism (REMVE), with support from the Governments of the United States and the United Kingdom. The...
Prison Management
30 June - 8 July 2021
IIJ Prison Management Initiative: Second Online Expert Meeting on Risk Assessment of Violent Extremist and Terrorist Offenders
In June 2021, with funding from the Government of France, the IIJ delivered the second in a series of two expert meetings on Risk Assessment of Violent Extremist and Terrorist Offenders. The main objective of this project...
Multi-Actor P/CVE Interventions
29 June 2021
IIJ Multi-Actor P/CVE Interventions Workstream: UN Side Event – Operationalising a “Do No Harm” Approach to P/CVE
In June 2021, in the margins of the Second United Nations (UN) Counter-Terrorism Week, the IIJ held an online side event with support from the European Union to launch a first-of-its-kind training curriculum to support the...
Judicial Capacity-Building
25 June - 15 July 2021
IIJ Judicial Capacity-Building Initiative: MENA Regional Workshop on the GCTF’s Glion Recommendations on the Use of Rule of Law-Based Administrative Measures
In June and July 2021, the IIJ, and our Valletta Partner, the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague (ICCT), collaborated to deliver the IIJ – ICCT Online Workshop on Applying Administrative Measures within a Counter-Terrorism Context...
Global Central Authorities
25 - 27 May 2021
IIJ Global Central Authorities Initiative: Joint UK Central Authority Capacity-Building Project – West Africa Regional Online Workshop for Developing Standardised Guidelines for MLA in Criminal Matters
In May 2021, the IIJ, together with the United Kingdom Central Authority (UKCA) led an online workshop for 15 legal counsel and prosecutors from Cameroon, The Gambia, Ghana and Nigeria. The purpose of the workshop was...