Events Calendar

Past Events

Juvenile Justice
22 - 24 October 2019

IIJ Juvenile Justice Initiative: Practitioners’ Notes – Sectoral Workshop for Judges

In October 2019, the IIJ convened in Malta a Sectoral Workshop for Judges under the IIJ Juvenile Justice Initiative – one of eight IIJ Core Initiatives. The Sectoral Workshop gathered 60 judges, investigators, prosecutors, defence counsels, correctional officers and other...
Judicial Capacity-Building
16 - 18 October 2019

IIJ Judicial Capacity-Building Initiative: Specialised Training for the Judiciary – Early Post-Terrorist Attack Management

In October 2019, the IIJ – in partnership with the European Union’s CT MENA Project – convened a Specialised International Seminar on Judicial Management Post-Terrorist Attack. The Seminar, held in Abidjan with the support of the...
25 - 27 September 2019

IIJ RFTFs Initiative: Rehabilitating and Reintegrating TFs/RFTFs – Third Mali Workshop

In September 2019, the IIJ convened a workshop on National Policy and Interagency Cooperation in Bamako, Mali. The workshop brought together judges, prosecutors, investigators, correction officers, gendarmerie, social workers and religious leaders from various organisations in...
Core Course: Intel
10 - 13 September 2019

IIJ Core Course: Successful Prosecution of Terrorism Cases

In September 2019, the IIJ convened in Malta its first iteration of a new IIJ Core Course: Successful Prosecution of Terrorism Cases. The course was attended by 71 judges, prosecutors, investigators, defence counsel and experts from 19...
Global Central Authorities
4 - 5 September 2019

IIJ Global Central Authorities Initiative: East Africa Regional Workshop on Enhancing Judicial Cooperation in Line with the IIJ Good Practices for Central Authorities

In September 2019, the IIJ brought together 28 judges, prosecutors and investigators from six countries across the East Africa region – Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, and Uganda along with practitioners from Australia, United States, INTERPOL,...
Prison Management
31 July - 2 August 2019

IIJ Prison Management Initiative: Effective Prison Management of VEs and TOs, including Vulnerable Populations

In July – August 2019, the IIJ held a workshop in Marrakech, Morocco, on Effective Prison Management of Violent Extremist and Terrorist Offenders, including Vulnerable Populations. The workshop was convened under the IIJ Prison Management Initiative – one of...
Core Course: Intel
22 - 26 July 2019

IIJ Core Course: Using Information Derived from Intelligence to Generate Evidence in Terrorism Investigations and Prosecutions

In July 2019, the IIJ convened the first iteration of the newly developed IIJ Core Course: Using Information Derived from Intelligence to Generate Evidence in Terrorism Investigations and Prosecutions. The Core Course, held in Malta with...
Juvenile Justice
16 - 18 July 2019

IIJ Juvenile Justice Initiative: Practitioners’ Notes – Sectoral Workshop for Prosecutors and Investigating Magistrates

In July 2019, the IIJ convened in Malta a Sectoral Workshop for Prosecutors and Investigating Magistrates under the IIJ Juvenile Justice Initiative – one of eight IIJ Core Initiatives. The Sectoral Workshop was attended by 51...
9 - 10 July 2019

IIJ Investigations Initiative: Phase 1 – Scoping Multi-Agency ‘Intelligence Led, Evidence-Driven’ Counter-Terrorism Investigation Capacity-Building, Cameroon

In July 2019, the IIJ met with senior stakeholders from Cameroon’s justice, law enforcement and intelligence agencies in Yaoundé to develop multi-agency ‘Intelligence-led, Evidence-driven’ counter-terrorism investigations training and capacity-building. Productive discussions were held with leadership figures from...
Addressing Homegrown Terrorism
9 - 10 July 2019

IIJ Addressing Homegrown Terrorism Initiative: Implementing the GCTF’s Rabat – Washington Good Practices, Special Focus on Intervention

In July 2019, the IIJ welcomed 41 criminal justice practitioners, including 10 prosecutors, 7 judges, 5 law enforcement officers, 16 policymakers, and senior advisors, analysts and psychologists to the Workshop on Implementing the GCTF Rabat-Washington Good Practices...
Global Central Authorities
27 June 2019

IIJ Global Central Authorities Initiative: Regional MENA Workshop

In June 2019, the IIJ convened a workshop in Cairo on enhancing regional and international cooperation between criminal justice sector stakeholders in terrorism cases. The workshop brought together 40 judges, prosecutors, and investigators from nine countries...
Judicial Capacity-Building
25 - 27 June 2019

IIJ Judicial Capacity-Building Initiative: West Africa Regional Workshop on Evidence & the Abuja Recommendations

In June 2019, the IIJ convened a West Africa Regional Workshop on Evidence in Dakar, co-hosted with the Government of Senegal, and supported by the Governments of Canada and Switzerland. The workshop was held under the auspices...
25 - 27 June 2019

IIJ RFTFs Initiative: Rehabilitating and Reintegrating TFs/RFTFs – Third Chad Workshop

In June 2019, the IIJ convened a workshop in N’Djamena on Understanding and Effectively Addressing the Terrorist Fighter Phenomenon in Chad. The workshop brought together judges, prosecutors, investigators, corrections officers, social workers, psychologists and religious leaders from...
11 - 13 June 2019

IIJ Investigations Initiative: Tunisian National Workshop on Investigating and Prosecuting Terrorism Cases

In June 2019, with financial support from the Government of Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), the IIJ implemented a National Workshop on Investigating and Prosecuting Terrorism Cases within a Rule of Law Framework...
Battlefield Evidence
24 - 25 April 2019

IIJ Battlefield Evidence Workstream: Judges Workshop

In April 2019, the IIJ convened a Battlefield Evidence Judges Workshop in Malta with the support of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Counterterrorism. The workshop brought together 53 practitioners and experts, among them representatives of...
8 - 11 April 2019

IIJ RFTFs Initiative: Rehabilitating and Reintegrating TFs/RFTFs – Second Chad Workshop

In April 2019, the IIJ convened a workshop in N’Djamena on Understanding and Effectively Addressing the Terrorist Fighter Phenomenon in Chad. The workshop brought together judges, prosecutors, investigators, correction officers, social workers, psychologists and religious leaders from...
Core Course: Intel
28 - 29 March 2019

IIJ Core Course: Successful Prosecution of Terrorism Cases – Curriculum Development Expert Meeting

In March 2019, the IIJ convened a Curriculum Development Expert Meeting for a new Core Course on Successful Prosecutions of Terrorism Cases. The expert meeting, held in Malta, brought together 27 practitioners (including investigators, prosecutors, judges,...
26 - 28 March 2019

IIJ Investigations Initiative: Malta Police Counter-Terrorism Unit Training

In March 2019, the IIJ convened, with support from the Government of the United Kingdom, a three-day capacity-building workshop for counter-terrorism officials in Malta. This bespoke training programme focused on multi-agency, intelligence-led and evidence-driven counter terrorism...
Juvenile Justice
25 - 27 March 2019

IIJ Juvenile Justice Initiative: Practitioners’ Notes – Focus Group Meeting

In March 2019, the IIJ convened a Practitioners’ Notes – Focus Group Meeting under the auspices of the IIJ Juvenile Justice Initiative. The meeting brought together 38 practitioners and experts with deep experience with juvenile justice in...
IIJ RFTFs Initiative: Workshop on Criminal Justice Responses to Returning or Repatriated FTFs and their Accompanying Family Members
26 - 28 February 2019

IIJ RFTFs Initiative: Workshop on Criminal Justice Responses to Returning or Repatriated FTFs and their Accompanying Family Members

In February 2019, the IIJ convened a workshop in Malta under the auspices of the IIJ Returning Foreign Terrorist Fighters Initiative, and with support from the Government of the United States, focused on Criminal Justice Responses to Returning...