Juliet Ibekaku-Nwagwu

Juliet Ibekaku-Nwagwu

Former Special Assistant to the President of Nigeria on Justice Sector Reform and International Relations
Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury

Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Bangladesh
Namira Negm

Namira Negm

Director of the African Migration Observatory
Tricia Clare Oco

Tricia Clare Oco

Executive Director of the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council (JJWC)
Erin F. Delaney

Erin F. Delaney

Leverhulme Professor of Comparative Constitutional Law & Director, UCL Global Centre for Democratic Constitutionalism.
Hon. Judge Nicolas Guillou

Hon. Judge Nicolas Guillou

Judge at the International Criminal Court

Ms. Cecilia Naddeo

Legal and Criminal Justice Coordinator, UNHQ/New York

Mr. Peter Vedel Kessing

Chief Counsellor, Department for International Law and Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

Mr. Adam Ravnkilde

Chief Adviser/ Counterterrorism Coordinator, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

Dr. Mark Ellis

Executive Director, International Bar Association

Ms. Edith Van Den Broek

Emerite Judge/Prosecutor

Hon. Judge Kimberly Prost

International Criminal Court

Mr. Tobias Freeman

International Lawyer, Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Mobile Justice Team, Global Rights Compliance

Heading the Siracusa Institute’s legal team and responsible for developing and implementing multi-year programs, technical assistance and research projects, and training activities, in international criminal law and human rights, crime prevention and criminal justice, rule of law assistance, emerging technologies, etc.

Prof. Rohan Gunaratna

Professor of Security Studies, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technology University
Dr. Isaac Kfir



Dr. Isaac Kfir

Director, National Security Program, Head, Counter-Terrorism Policy Centre, Australian Strategic Policy Institute
Mr. Christian Achaleke

Mr. Christian Achaleke

National Coordinator, Local Youth Corner

Mr. Marie Epiphane Sohouenou

Director, Ecole Nationale d’Administration et de Magistrature

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